In questa sezione è possibile trovare articoli, guide pratiche, best practice, paper, presentazioni e ricerche che costituiscono il patrimonio documentale dell’Associazione.

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80 risultati


GTAG 10 - Business Continuity Management

This GTAG focuses on how business continuity management (BCM) is designed to enable business leaders to manage the level of risk the organization could encounter in the case of a natural or man-made…

GTAG 5 - Managing and Auditing Privacy Risks was replaced with Practice Guide, Aditing Privacy Risks, 2nd edition

Questa Practice Guide, che sostituisce la IIA Global Technology Audit Guide (GTAG)"Managing and Auditing Privacy Risks", pubblicata nel mese di guigno 2006, fornisce ai professionisti una base per…


GTAG 16 - Data Analysis Technologies

The IIA has released a practice guide entitled “GTAG 16: Data Analysis Technologies.” This guide aims to help CAEs understand how to move beyond the tried and true methods of manual auditing toward…


GTAG 12 - Auditing IT Projects

Whether IT projects are developed in house or are co-sourced with third-party providers, they are filled with challenges that must be considered carefully to ensure success. Insufficient attention to…


GTAG 17 - Auditing IT Governance

La presente GTAG fornisce agli Internal Auditor, del settore pubblico e privato, le conoscenze necessarie nel fornire i servizi, di Assurance e consulenza, per l'IT Governance.

GTAG 1 - Information Technology Controls (2^ edizione)

La guidance, con uno stile semplice e di facile lettura, aiuta i Chief Audit Executive (CAEs) e i loro team a tenere il passo con il mondo dell'IT, talvolta complesso e in continua evoluzione. Di…


GTAG 9 - Identity and Access Management

Identity and access management (IAM) is a cross-functional process that helps organizations to manage who has access to what information over a period of time. Poor or loosely controlled IAM…


GTAG 14 - Auditing User-developed Applications

Almost every organization uses some form of UDAs because they can be more easily developed, are less costly to produce, and can typically be changed with relative ease versus programs and reports…


GTAG 4 - Management of IT Auditing (2^ edizione)

Al fine di garantire ai CAE, e al loro gruppo di lavoro, un  aggiornamento continuo sulla tematica IT, l'Institute of Internal Auditors ha pubblicato la seconda edizione della GTAG 4: “…


GTAG 15 - Information Security Governance

Information is a significant component of most organizations’ competitive strategy either by the direct collection, management, and interpretation of business information or the retention of…


Big Data and Analytics for Internal Audit: a maturity model for responsible self-assessment

Documento redatto dal Comitato Finanziario di AIIA e presentato in occasione del webinar "BIG DATA E ANALYTICS NELLA FUNZIONE DI INTERNAL AUDIT: un Maturity Model per l’autovalutazione…

GTAG 11 - Developing the IT Audit Plan

Results from several IIA external quality assessment reviews reveal that developing an appropriate IT audit plan is one of the weakest links in internal audit activities. Many times, internal…

GTAG 7 - Information Technology Outsourcing (2^ edizione)

Nel panorama economico odierno, si registra un aumento delle aziende che esternalizzano la gestione dei processi di Information Technology (IT), al fine di focalizzarsi maggiormente sul core business…


GTAG 8 - Auditing Application Controls

Each year, billions of dollars are spent globally on implementing new or upgrading business application systems. Effective application controls will help your organization to ensure the integrity,…

GTAG 13 - Fraud Prevention and Detection in an Automated World

As technology advances, so do schemes to commit fraud. Therefore, technology can not only be used to perpetrate fraud, but also to prevent and detect it. Using technology to implement real-time fraud…